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What is Remote Sensing?Remote Sensing is the process of gathering data (such as topography and ground features) from a sensor mounted to remote platform such as an airplane or satellite. In our case, our sensors our mounted to UAVs. For a more detailed explanation, check out NOAA's definition here.
What is the difference between Photogrammetry and LIDAR?Airborne LIDAR emits laser pulses to scan the ground. These pulses are reflected up the aircraft to measure the elevation. Photogrammetry, on the other hand, utilizes ambient light and an RGB sensor to gather data.
How do I choose between Photogrammetry and LIDAR?Once we understand your project requirements, we are happy to provide a recommendation. Contact us today.
What is a UAV?An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), commonly referred to as a drone, is an airborne vehicle operated without a human on board. Terms like UAS (Unmanned Aerial System) and RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) are also common.
Who do you work for?The data we gather is applicable to a broad scope of clients that includes but is not limited to: Engineers, Planners, Architects, Municipalities, Conservation Authorities, Government Agencies, Aggregate Producers and Miners.
What is the smallest area you can capture?We regularly capture areas that are less than 1 acre in size.
What is the largest area you can capture?The sky is the limit. We have completed projects that are several hundred hectares in size. Our long-range UAVs, for instance, are able to fly up to 200 hectares per hour.
If the scope of my project begins to creep, do you need to revisit the site?We complete a “blanket” capture of the project area; therefore, as long as the new scope is within the original area there should be no need to return to site.
What kind of features can you map from UAV data?Examples include but are not limited to: Edge, centerline of roads, pavement markings Curbs, manholes, catch basins Above ground utilities, e.g. street lights, hydro poles Building footprints Vegetation driplines, tree trunks Fence lines, gates, bollards, signs Ditch centerlines Retaining walls Temporary surface markings, e.g. Utility locates
How accurate is your data?Accuracy and precision will vary depending on the project requirements.
What does "orthorectified" mean?An “orthorectified” image (or "orthophoto", "orthoimage") is a composite image constructed from a series of overlapping photos. Orthorectification is the process of accounting for elevations within the image. In doing so, terrain and features depicted in the image will be at the correct scale and therefore spatially accurate. Here are some more detailed explanations from PennState and the USGS.
What formats are results provided in?Typical formats include, but are not limited to: Civil 3D surfaces, DWG contours, XYZ or LAS point files, GEOTIFF watertight or non-interpolated DEMs. Let us know if you or your organization has any specific formatting needs.
How do I get a quote?Email us today at with your project needs. Please include a sketch of the subject area if possible.
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